Minggu, 19 Januari 2020

A Quick Visit Stadhuis Zaandam, North Holland

A quick visit to Zaandam Stadhuis took as few hours from Central Netherlands (Amsterdam).
Our day starts at 5 ''clock in the morning, and my friend and I managed to travel in just 15 minutes via Intercity Train.

You will wonder how much we spent on this trip to Zaandam and to the windmills in Koog aan de_Zaan? It was only 8Eur valid for 24 hours via Intercity Train. You can choose to go by bus RNET 392 and 394 slower than Intercity train, by your so-called fiets( bicycle) that will take around 40 minutes, or by boat that will consume 50 minutes of your time. So, I recommend going via Intercity.  If you're going for an excursion on your trip, this is the best time to visit Zaandam.

Our stomach is empty, so we need to grab a cup of coffee with this extremely interesting place. I had back pains, probably runny noise due to the weather is unpredictable. In this case, one should get international travel health insurance so that you'll have peace of mind in your journey. 

Your main excursions would be tiresome, but if your planned trip doesn't require vigorous energy, then please do get international medical insurance just in case.  Choose a low cost travel insurance or you can adjust it with your travel budget.

Such an ablaze summer vacation, but well spent. Definitely, it was Zomertijd! But, we thought of what to wear with the chilly summer day, but we are strong-minded travelers.  

I preferred to keep on moving. We did not try to sit and be the apple of the eyes of sightseers. Just feel the chilly summer of 2019, and the best to visit the Netherlands is April to August month. Stick to your budget as July month is full of bargain hunters for the best shop deals.

I smiled after the sightseeing, as this is always in my bucket list to visit.

If you plan to travel to Europe or anywhere you want, ensure you have this low cost travel insurance

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